Monday, January 4, 2010

Fritos Corn Chips Adults: Do You Still Have Peanut Butter & Jelly With Chips, Such As Fritos Corn Chips, In It?

Adults: Do you still have Peanut Butter & Jelly with chips, such as Fritos Corn Chips, in it? - fritos corn chips

I live in a nursing home, so that our meals are usually a case of meat inspected by the mystery, but sometimes we can request a replacement. Yesterday I decided to order a PB & J with crushed corn chips in too. Youth in the kitchen, I thought I was crazy. This is just an old fart, or make something, do some young people still?


Rake said...

Never heard of this or that. But I am usually the "do-double-triple decker sandwich," consisting of peanut butter, jam, cheese and American Slive.

Sandwiches pacemaker Nutter - Marshmallow Fluff and peanut butter! XD

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